IndyNDA Wrap-up for August 2010 – OData
This month at IndyNDA we heard from Dan Rigsby (@DanRigsby) regarding OData. OData is a web protocol that allows for the querying of data as a service. OData is built upon REST principle of web services. REST is a move away...
IndyNDA Wrap-up for July 2010
This month’s IndyNDA meeting we heard from from Alan Stevens (@AlanStevens on “Does Your Code Tell a Story?”. His compared the analogy of writing novels to writing software. With great quotes on the subject,...
IndyNDA Wrap-up: MongoDB presented by Dennis Burton
At IndyNDA last night we heard Dennis Burton speak on MongoDB. Personally, I have never dived into any other data store other than relational databases (i.e. SQL Server, MySQL…) Dennis did a great job laying out the pluses and...
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